Configuring CDR Reporting to REST Server

You can configure the device to send signaling-related CDRs to a REST server using AudioCodes REST API. The Device sends the CDRs in JSON format.

You can customize the CDRs that are sent to the REST server, by adding CDR fields or changing their names. For more information, see Customizing CDRs for SBC Calls and Test Calls.

To configure CDR reporting to a REST server:
1. Enable the syslog feature for sending log messages (CDRs) generated by the Device to a collecting log message server. For more information, see Enabling Syslog.
2. Configure the REST server:
a. Open the Remote Web Services table (see Configuring Remote Web Services).
b. Click New, and then configure an HTTP/S-based server to represent the REST server. Make sure that you configure the 'Type' parameter to General. Configure the remaining HTTP/S server parameters according to your requirements.
c. Click Apply.
3. Open the Call Detail Record Settings page (Troubleshoot menu > Troubleshoot tab > Call Detail Record folder > Call Detail Record Settings), and then do the following:
a. From the 'REST CDR Report Level' drop-down list, select the stage of the call at which you want the CDRs to be generated and sent.
b. From the 'REST CDR HTTP Server' drop-down list, select the REST server that you configured in the Remote Web Services table (see Step 2) to where you want the device to send the CDRs.

c. Click Apply.